Posts Tagged ‘Merrill Lynch Survey of Fund Managers’
Newsletter #1, 2011: Market in DOWNTREND – What we can learn from Japan
You have not heard from me in a while now and that is because we have been in a continuous uptrend since December 7th last year when I sent out my last newsletter. After more than three months of uptrend the market entered a new DOWNTREND as of the close of Thursday March 11th. I sent out my short notice the next day and this is finally the follow up newsletter.
We will cover the following topics in today’s newsletter:
- The newsletter is finally taking its first small baby steps into the www
- A new downtrend and what it means
- Emerging Markets gives indication of were we are heading
- We have just witnessed the fastest doubling in the S&P 500 since 1936! But then see what happened next…
- If the US was to see a repetition of 1937/38, maybe Japan could be a good place to put your money right now?
- Japan might or might not be nice investment, but more importantly we have so much to learn from the Japanese
- Everybody seems to be bullish on everything right now
- The US housing market does not provide any supportive arguments for taking a positive stance regarding the future